
Get familiar with plasma, a framework for building scalable blockchain applications.


If you ended up here, you’re probably interested in learning about plasma, a framework for building scalable decentralized applications.

We started LearnPlasma because the existing information about plasma is spread all over the place. We wanted to gather all of that information in a single place and make it much easier for someone to browse. At the same time, we found that there simply isn’t enough easy-to-understand learning material about plasma. We started writing our own material and eventually we ended up here!


LearnPlasma is a community effort and a labor of love! The project was started at the 2018 IC3-Ethereum Crypto Boot Camp at Cornell University. Most of the content on this website was contributed by people who didn’t know anything about plasma coming into that boot camp.

You can also become a contributor to LearnPlasma! There’s always lots to be done. This entire website is open source and available at the LearnPlasma GitHub repository. Please open a GitHub issue if you’re confused about something, want to ask a question, or have any general feedback! Want to see content about a specific topic? Open an issue! If you’re unfamiliar with GitHub, we’ve created a simple guide to opening your first issue. We also appreciate any pull requests with bug reports, typos, or new content.

If you want to contribute code to a plasma project, we’re maintaining a list of actively developed plasma implementations and ecosystem projects. You can also learn about the current open research questions and see a list of ways you can contribute here.


Learning alone is no fun! To make the learning process as collaborative as possible, we’ve launched the LearnPlasma reddit community. There you’ll be able to ask questions and discuss different plasma-related topics with other people also learning more about plasma. You can also tweet at the LearnPlasma Twitter account if you’d like to.

We’re looking for subreddit moderators! Feel free to reach out to any of the current moderators if you’d like to help out.

#Let’s get started!

We hope you find this website helpful. Content is always being added and updated, so don’t hesitate to request more. Enjoy your journey into the world of plasma!